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Disaster victims still awaiting rebuilding funds were told today that the $25 million pledged by the Obama administration to help fund relief was in vain

Disaster victims still awaiting rebuilding funds were told today that the $25 million pledged by the Obama administration to help fund relief was in vain.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) had promised to distribute $25 million to victims of the disaster, but has yet to deliver on its commitment.

Today Ob바카라사이트ama was forced to admit that while he wanted the money, he did not have the authority to do it.

“I didn’t have the authority to give this money until the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Federal Disaster Relief Act,” Obama said. “As a result, the assistance to affected people has been delayed. It’s frustrating, but we’re still waiting for our money.”

The federal agency that administers the FEMA program, the U.S. Secret S우리카지노ervice, would not confirm whether the funds have actually arrived. According to the New York Daily News, it took FEMA two weeks to reach out to the victims after the agency launched its $25 million request.

Obama did admit the delayed assistance to the victims of Hurricanes Irene and Rita was not his fault and the disaster does not reflect poorly on him in any way.

“This year has been a bad year for FEMA,” he said. “I will never forget Katrina when it happened. And Hurricane Sandy. This is not unusual.”

It is not the first time a president has been compelled to deny the truth about the crisis.

After Hurricane Sandy devastated the Eastern seaboard of the United States on October 29, 2013, it was reported tha더킹카지노t “in response to disaster relief requests from the FEMA, FEMA has approved a total of $21 billion in relief for the victims of hurricane Sandy” but there has not been enough money, despite $12 billion in requests by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, according to a report by CBS News.

Despite the reports of a lack of funds, the president has repeatedly claimed that the aid was being spent “more responsibly, faster and more effectively.” This claim is simply not true, as CBS reported that as of October 2015, less than a penny of the $25 billion in relief was spent.

Royal wedding tour fundraising on track to be launched this year Copyright by WOODTV – All rights reserved The wedding was to be performed at the White House by President Obama, his wife Michelle, and wife Laura

Royal wedding tour fundraising on track to be launched this year Copyright by WOODTV – All rights reserved The wedding was to be performed at the White House by President Obama, his wife Michelle, and wife Laura. Copyright by WOODTV – All rights reserved The bride was to be Michelle Obama. [ + – ] Video

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — With the White House ready to welcome the new President, some businesses have already announced what they want to do to raise cash for him’s inauguration — which is about to take place.

It’s a campaign called “Raising Hope,” and it could be an interesting way to try and raise some money for some worthy causes.

The goal of the campaign is to help get “100 million Americans re-elected and reach for what they most love,” according to its website.

If they are able to raise enough money, they can buy gifts for the President that include things like pens and paper and some pretty expensive candles. In fact, if all the money rais우리카지노ed is raised, they could make $20,000 this year. The goal is to raise at least $50 million.

Many of those businesses said they would be grateful to have Obama as a guest.

“I absolutely would love to have the President here, as he will certainly be in person,” said Jim Schumacher, owner of Jim’s Barber Shop in Birmingham.

The Barber Shop has a collection of President Obama posters on display in its window. This poster is a custom order. It will be sold separately. Jim Schumacher said if all of the money raised goes to get the President in person, he can make $20,000 this year. Schumacher said he doesn’t believe he’s actually바카라사이트 going to make money on this.

“Maybe about the size and content of the President’s hair,” said Schumacher, “but I don’t know. I do believe it will be the most impactful.”

The President’s visit to his first public engagement in a few weeks will help them get t바카라he ball rolling, Schumacher said.

“It’s the first time in a few weeks that a guest is coming in the house for that time of year,” said Schumacher.

But not everyone is going to be as eager to throw their hats in the ring as Schumacher.

Barber shops like the one in Huntsville said they’ve been reluctant to invest in it.

“I don’t even know if we’ve eve

Market gains 4pc in December

Market gains 4pc in December

The UK government said Thursday it expects gross domestic product to grow by 4.1pc this year, the first sign that the recovery may be on track to be a much stronger one than previously predicted.

The latest government estimates show growth will pick up to 4.3pc in 2016, a slight increase on the estimate of 3.7pc announced in May.

The figures also put the pound on track to recover at least 2pc against the US dollar by the end of this ye바카라사이트ar, an achievement made after the pound slumped sharply against the dollar in August last year when the EU referendum vote went to the country’s voters.

A year after Britain voted to leave the EU, Theresa May has바카라 been forced to come up with new ways of protecting the country from what may be a major setback for her Conservative Party in the June 8 poll.

Britain will be on a high-speed rail project with French firms that are providing the first train of its kind to operate from London, bringing more people from less developed regions who can more easily access the high-speed services than in the past.

But the project could be jeopardised by Brexit, with concerns being raised about fuapronxture demand.

And the Treasury has warned that it may have to make substantial cuts to benefits in the event of a vote to leave the EU.