Volunteers making a difference to lives of dementia sufferers in London is no easy feat, but an international team of volunteers have done just that

Volunteers making a difference to lives of dementia sufferers in London is no easy feat, but an international team of volunteers have done just that.

And they’ve made it their mission to share the benefits of their work through a Facebook page called ‘Help Dementia Free the world’.

On바카라 Facebook, the volunteers – including a ‘volunteer’ and a ‘volunteer in London’ – show that their time is better spent by being part of an effort to give people a better chance of living long enough to experience dementia.

For now, they’re just looking for oth예스카지노er volunteers to help with volunteer work. The idea is that other charities can use their online platform to share their resources with those working in the field.

As well as being a source of volunteers and inspiration, the website is still a platform for fundraising and education, so it’s a safe place to talk to people about helping those who are already vulnerable.

The team – consisting of a ‘volunteer’ and a ‘volunteer in London’ – look forward to having more of their ideas published, as well as offering tips and tricks on being a better volunteer.

They started it with a social media campaign to educat우리카지노e people on Alzheimer’s Disease

But even the simplest idea can be something that can make a difference, and they’ve already created a few different social networks to promote their ideas.

This article was written for Daily Mail UK from January 2015.