Yearly archives "2016"

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If they said something, you would have the kind of experience

To me, it speaks loudly of OP’s character. To me, this is a lazy and egocentric human being who should try to spend some of his own time, thought and love of Reddit to find something new and interesting to share with us. Step up your game!. There are people I miss, and sometimes, the physical abandon of sex, the escapism of it vibrators, but I’ve indulged in more than my fair share of escapism in my 36 years. I don’t deserve any more, and when I start to crave it, I am trying to train myself out of it. That’s not to say that I don’t have weak moments or that it would be a tragedy if I had engaged in some no strings attached sex, but I am trying to be less of a live in the moment type of person and more of a planner.

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Do you know of any sheets I could find online to print and fill out? I’m thinking of checklists of abusive behaviours, space for date, time, victim impact, other relevant things that I can’t think of, and a place to write notes? If not, can you think of what I could put on a worksheet to print for myself? I know that the actual notes would have to be in pen to be legally relevant. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional. The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication.

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