Previous Wash. U. Student posted pictures of classmates to sex fetish site

Former Washington University pupil Alex Zhang, whom graduated in 2014, happens to be suspended because of the University of Miami class of Medicine and it is currently under research for publishing pictures of their feminine classmates to intercourse fetish web sites.

Zhang allegedly copied photos from women’s social networking records and posted them to numerous fetish internet sites. A number of the articles identify the ladies by title.

Whenever Zhang had been a pupil at Washington University, he presumably posted pictures of their feminine classmates to comparable internet sites. The pictures first found the eye of 1 of Zhang’s former Washington University classmates, whom talked anonymously to Student lifestyle, whenever she searched her name online in 2013,

“The top result had been a graphic gallery where photos of me personally had been published. The pictures had my complete name into the description and described me being a whore, slut, etc. The images had been from my Facebook where my foot had been noticeable into the picture, ” she stated.

The previous classmate recognized Zhang had been behind the articles whenever she respected other ladies from Washington University in the web web sites and noticed they all had Zhang as a shared friend on Facebook.

“The undeniable fact that he adds our names to each and every picture suggests he gets one thing away from exposing us, ” she said.

Zhang’s previous classmate reported the pictures to your volunteer team that she and Zhang had been both section of, and after that it absolutely was reported up to a pupil disciplinary team at Washington University.

“ I think Wash. U. Delivered a cease and desist into the site, while the pictures were removed very immediately after. Read More →