SIMPLY GAY ANDBISEXUAL STORIES. Gay threesome sex stories

Ranked 94.6%, study 18564 times, published Wed 13th of September 2017Fantasy, Consensual Intercourse, Female/Female, Group Intercourse, Male / Females, Male/Female, Mind Control, Threesome, Violence

Neighbour asks a favour that is special Tom_Thumb

«Tom’s opposite neighbour Susie presents by by herself and asks him a special favour- one which he could be significantly more than happy to support»

Ranked 94.6%, browse 128886 times, published Fri 10th of May 2019True Story, Blowjob, Oral Intercourse, Threesome

The Next Chapter of My Life – component 2 by glyn613

«Steve continues his intimate odyssey and finds he has got discovered the following passion for their life. Read More →