Taxi protest crosses fine line of criminal intimidation

Taxi protest crosses fine line of criminal intimidation

One protester was fined $1,200 for setting his car on fire during a demonstration against ride-sharing service Uber.

He was issued with a $500 fine and three demerit po더킹카지노ints.

“What we have done is set fire to the bus so that he would have the opportunity to protest as he had been asked to do on Saturday.

“It was completely unnecessary, it was an overreaction,” Transp바카라ort Minister Andrew Constance said.

Mr Constance said it was unclear what offence Mr O’Connor’s protest had committed, but a fine and demerit points were not unusual for “crimes of that nature”.

Image copyright Facebook Image caption Andrew Constance said Mr O’Connor’s protest violated the right to freedom of assembly

Uber has previousjarvees.comly taken legal action against protesters who protest in its Sydney offices.

Mr O’Connor, who was arrested following the protests, has said he will remain in the protest until he is released pending an appeal hearing.

A spokeswoman for the Attorney General’s Department confirmed the officer was from the Taxi Industry Protection Authority, which is the body that deals with taxis being taken over.

She also said the incident did not arise from the Taxi and Limousine Board.