Canada will also host the Caribbean Development Bank’s Board of

It means a significant increase in CIDA development funding over the next 10 years for the Caribbean region.We have also increased the number of scholarships we provide to Caribbean graduate and undergraduate students to strengthen linkages between universities and colleges in the region and Canada. Caribbean students will begin their studies and research in Canada early next year under the initiative announced by the Prime Minister during his visit.Canada will also host the Caribbean Development Bank’s Board of Governors meeting in Halifax in 2008.With a view to advancing an even stronger relationship with nations of the Commonwealth Caribbean n95 face mask, Prime Minister Harper invited all CARICOM leaders to a Canada CARICOM summit here in Canada in 2008.I recently had an occasion to visit the beautiful island of Saint Lucia for the celebration of the life of Sir John Compton, father of Saint Lucian independence. The impressive gathering of leaders and statesmen drew attention not only to the deep respect held for Sir John n95 face mask, but also to the strong linkages and shared interests that spread across the Caribbean.Looking forward, I eagerly anticipate more trips to the region, as I am interested in fostering the relationships I began to develop in Saint Lucia..

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