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Report clears vic police of database misuse and fraud in the name of drugs

Report clears vic police of database misuse and fraud in the name of drugs

Vic police officers are being allowed to access secret information from drug tests administered to people suspected of drug use, raising concerns that the force has failed to identify serious problems and is allowing abuse to go unchecked, a Senate inquiry heard.

The Vic Health audit of drug-testing database system conducted in 2016-17 by a Senate panel found that no systemic issues raised were found.

A former senior Vic police officer told the inquiry there was a failure of oversight but he had no details.

“What I think is really wrong and unacceptable is that information (by police officers) can be used for the police purpose without any review,” he said.

A senior Vic Police officer told the inquiry: “There were a number of people who were being tested for drugs, it wa파라오 카지노sn’t the drug problem but just to see if the police were testing them that they were.”

‘This was a systematic failure’

Vic Police Department director of operational health Matthew Gee said the department was currently investigating the audit.

He told the inquiry: “We have made some progress, including putting a team under way to look at our database to ensure it’s functioning properly.”

However, he said no specific complaints had been made, an더킹카지노주소d a full audit would be completed within six months.

‘They weren’t the only ones’

Senator Michael Keenan said the public was entitled to expect police to know what their police powers actually meant.

“It’s time to make the police accountable for their policies and their work. This is a systemic failure. No one should be allowed to simply go about their day without knowing they 창원 출장 안마can have police support.”

The Senate inquiry has begun its work.

Topics: drug-offences, drug-education, police, vic

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Colombian rebels arent terrorists says chavez

Colombian rebels arent terrorists says chavez


By David Chater

23 January, 2008 (Reuters) – The United Nations has said the death toll from unrest in the former Colombian republic of Venezuela rose from 23 last week to 31 on Tuesday, adding that the country is in the middle of a humanitarian crisis. The toll is likely to have been higher because victims of last week’s violence have not been formally identified and the police report of their deaths is due within 24 hours, the United Nations said in a statement.

The UN and aid organizations said the toll included 11 people killed during street protests over an electricity company’s plans to cut the power supply. Two people had been killed since Tuesday.

There were earlier reports that the death toll had reached 30. State television announced at 11:45 a.m. in Bogota that there was still an 11-percent chance of a fresh toll of more than 30 in what it said was an official count of 21 people having died.

The crisis be007 카지노gan on Oct. 19, with opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez and his vice president, Leopoldo Lopez Varela, overthrown and replaced with a leftist government of President Nicolas Maduro. In an attempt to put a stop to the chaos, the army has fired bac광주출장안마k at Lopez supporters who have fired guns at police and state troopers, and authorities have detained and interrogated people suspected of aiding the opposition.

At least 1,750 people are estimated to have died so far, according to the UN. A UN aid official said Venezuela’s army, which has also fired, arrested and detained more than 100 of its supporters.

The opposition leader, who was elected president on Jan. 19, has not commented.

According to t평택안마he statement released after midnight on Tuesday, authorities believe the most recent “extrajudicial killings” were carried out by loyalists to Maduro’s regime. There were also reports last week that soldiers, state security forces and armed opposition groups killed 11 police officers in Caracas and that armed opposition forces shot and wounded some 30 members of their own paramilitary.

The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, on Thursday called for a “transparent, balanced” assessment of the situation in Venezuela and the possibility of a broader humanitarian crisis arising from continuing political violence.

“If there is a political solution it must be implemented,” Ban said at a news conference in New York.

Violence erupted on Nov. 1, when more than 40 peopl

Index finds economic growth below par in the fourth quarter, while the government is expected to cut income tax rates for the rich and move towards a flat tax system as part of the tax reforms announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday

Index finds economic growth below par in the fourth quarter, while the government is expected to cut income tax rates for the rich and move towards 카지노 게임a flat tax syst제주출장마사지em as part of the tax reforms announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday.

The BJP-led government has promised that in the 2017-18 fiscal, there will be a reduction in the corporate income tax rates on income over Rs 1 crore, to 25 per cent on Rs 500 and Rs 1 lakh and a reduction in income tax rate on income above Rs 2 crore to 14 per cent. However, some reports have indicated that it could be possible for the corporate income tax rate to reach 50-per-cent.

The government has also stated it is ready to introduce a GST-easing measure through the Income Tax administration Act 2017. This me이천출장샵asure could apply to goods and services made up of things such as food, beverages and health products.