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Neighbour asks a favour that is special Tom_Thumb

«Tom’s opposite neighbour Susie presents by by herself and asks him a special favour- one which he could be significantly more than happy to support»

Ranked 94.6%, browse 128886 times, published Fri 10th of May 2019True Story, Blowjob, Oral Intercourse, Threesome

The Next Chapter of My Life – component 2 by glyn613

«Steve continues his intimate odyssey and finds he has got discovered the following passion for their life. »

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She Liked to look at by blueheatt

Breaking Out, Breaking In: Component 2 by BDLong

«His sister really, really strikes it well together with gf. Like really. »

Ranked 94.6%, browse 36852 times, published Wed 2nd of December 2015Fiction, Anal, Bondage and limitation, Consensual Sex, Female/Female, Incest, Oral Intercourse, Teen Male/Teen Female, Threesome, Toys

The repair Man another fix 4 by pars001

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121st Street – Turbo – Clint takes a continuing business visit to nyc and enters difficulty. (M+/M, gang-rape)

2-D – by Alex Hawk – a set of brothers go to the Virgin isles and locate than they like looking at each other out they like looking at the scenery there less. (mm-teens, 1st-gay-expr, inc, rom)

A Boy Among Men – by Jones – The kid is tiny and slender with long hair that is blond blue eyes. One night he’s riding his bike bare-chested using bobby socks and loose baggy shorts and a difficult prick whenever a person provides him a trip in his convertible. You know what? (Mm, ped, 1st-gay-expr, mast, dental, anal, cd, alcohol)

A Boy And their puppy – by Drew – a brief tale about a kid’s masturbation experiences because of the family members dog. (m/dog, beast, first, mast)

A Boy And their mom – by Primmrose – a kid spends the evening at their closest friend’s home and contains a brief tutorial in ecstasy together with friend’s mom. His buddy then shows him this is of true relationship. (Fm-teen, mm-bi, ped, exh)

A Brewster Thanksgiving – by J.O. Dickingson – it is a tale involving four brothers, two preteens and two thirteen-year-olds, two of these long-forgotten kin, and selection of their classmates wearing a residential area Thanksgiving pageant. (homosexual, teen/pre, household, inc)

A Cold Drive – by Otis Holmes – a guy accumulates a hitch-hiker on a cool snowy drive. It could be cold exterior but it surely gets hotter once the drive proceeds. (MM, 1st-gay-expr, mast)

A Con Goer Get’s Conned – by Bottomsup – Anime conventions will often have genuine twist. (MM, 1st-gay-expr, anal)