New psoriasis treatment cuts side effects of steroids

New psoriasis treatment cuts side effects of steroids

Researchers have treated the pustules left behind when steroids are taken to reduce hair growth, according to researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological S바카라tudies, Yale University and the University of California at San Diego.

“We have found that using an oil-based agent and removing it from hair shafts can help to reduce the side effects of certain topical steroids,” says Andrew P. Zaborsky, who led the study, published in the American Journal of Dermatology today.

The authors recommend that patients with psoriasis receive the use of topical ster더킹카지노oids every 5 to 7 days.

When the researchers perfjarvees.comormed a second study to determine whether the pustules stayed trapped and could grow again, they found that treatment of the pustules removed the pustules trapped by a steroid did not interfere with growth. When both studies are taken into account, the results showed that the patients with psoriasis could maintain normal hair growth.

The study researchers say that this treatment was effective at reducing side effects associated with systemic steroid use that may cause side effects associated with a hair transplant in patients with skin cancer.