Media call warren gatland sam warburton mnh

Media call warren gatland sam warburton mnh

and they do

we will find them soon enough

that is what we are saying.

We have our thoughts and prayers for the people of this island. Our hearts are heavy, and we wan온라인 바카라t your safety.

We will ho우리 카지노ld them well, together for the next couple of days

we will do as we say.

The whole island is united in unity in the face of this horrible ordeal.

We all remember these children, these three-year old boys. We all support each other, we all support the family that lost a son or daughter. I know we all do. We will always support each other.

As the island of Guam was a part of the United States in 1941, and the island has held close-knit family bonds for many generations of Americans, the nation’s and the people of Guam, including myself, are grateful to that nation and to the men and women who serve honorably here.

For many years this administration did not understand the출장 마사지 gravity of this moment in time.

There is no comparison to what has happened, and I know that for many American citizens, many people here in this country have suffered greatly.

But this administration, this administration is making a mistake and they did not understand the gravity of what is happening in Guam. But as always, I hope that as we move forward we will find a better way.

I commend all those who participated in this weekend’s exercise, and as we move forward, as we gather these feelings, we will get them better and stronger and they will help us protect our people, our allies, and our interests in the future.

The American people, as the leader of the free world, as the leader of our region, and as a people around the world, we are grateful to the men and women who serve, and we know they will put their lives on the line to help protect our people and our interests, all Americans.

May God Bless you, and God bless this world.


7:15 P.M. EDT