Families are being neglected because the parents are working

In other words: Bares 2, Jet 0.You go, guyEx Warriors forward and broadcaster Tom Tolbert, who once joked about getting a statue at the Warriors’ new arena in San Francisco steroids, was given a different honor a Tom Tolbert urinal (complete with plaque) in the Chase Center’s media restroom.So when Tolbert brags “I’m No. 1″ no kidding!No Cam doPanthers QB Cam Newton, finding his 6 5, 245 pound frame cramped into a economy class seat on the 10 hour flight back from Men’s Fashion Week in Paris steroids, offered a man $1,500 to give up his first class seat and the man refused.Just his luck probably a Falcons fan.Or maybe a fuzzy antlerWildlife agents in British Columbia reunited a fawn with its mother after a man was spotted carrying the baby deer in a Kootenay liquor store.Apparently he was rounding up the ingredients for a Bambi Cocktail.Owe noCalifornians carry the country’s highest mortgage debt an average of $347,000.”Cry me a river,” say the Baltimore Orioles. “We still owe Chris Davis $100 million!”Time to bear downThe Leadville Trail Marathon in Colorado Springs steroids, Colo., was briefly interrupted when a bear crossed the course midway through the race..

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