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Los museos se suman a la fiesta

MÁs informaciÓn Foto: O. Barrionuevo Foto: O. Barrionuevo

GalerÍa grÁfica: Recorrido por los Patios (II) GalerÍa grÁfica: Recorrido por los Patios Aperturas extraordinarias para mostrar que no solo las casas de vecinos cuentan con patios repletos de mejores macetas para huerto urbano. Los museos Julio Romero de Torres y ArqueolÓgico y el Archivo HistÓrico Provincial aprovechan la fiesta de Los Patios para abrir sus puertas a todos los que estÉn interesados en conocer unos lugares que hasta ahora no solÍan ser accesibles para todo el mundo. Todos ellos, situados en edificios centenarios, cuentan con patios de distinta arquitectura que no entran en concurso pero que pueden visitarse aprovechando las rutas establecidas en el certamen.

AsÍ, la plaza del Potro sirve de preludio para conocer un rincÓn del museo Julio Romero de Torres que hasta ahora permanecÍa oculto para la mayorÍa de los mortales. El director de la pinacoteca, JosÉ MarÍa Palencia, explica que la iniciativa de abrir el patio durante el mes de mayo partiÓ de las AsociaciÓn Amigos del Museo de CÓrdoba que todos los aÑos lleva a cabo actividades de mecenazgo relacionadas con la cultura. Este tipo de actividades solÍan consistir en, por ejemplo, restaurar algunas muestras, pero se les ocurriÓ que tambiÉn serÍa buena idea acondicionar el recinto ajardinado del Romero de Torres y aprovechar mayo y el certamen de Patios para darlo a conocer. AsÍ, tras pedir permiso a la DiputaciÓn -encargada de gestionar este espacio del inmueble- se puso en marcha el proyecto en apenas mes y medio para que estuviera listo para la fecha. Una de las caracterÍsticas de la visita al recinto es la exposiciÓn de fotografÍas que lo rodea, en la que aparecen instantÁneas del mismo Julio Romero de Torres pintando en el patio o de su familia disfrutando del mismo. Palencia comenta que este recinto era parte del antiguo hospital de la Caridad pero que dada la cercanÍa de la casa de la familia Romero de Torres, estos disponÍan del sitio para su ocio. Sobre la idea de mantenerlo abierto fuera de mayo, el director del museo adelanta que no estarÁ disponible para todo el pÚblico, sino para grupos de visita algo mÁs pequeÑos.

Si hay algÚn patio que marque la diferencia ese es el del Museo ArqueolÓgico, ya que pertenece a un antiguo palacio del siglo XVI. La directora de esta instituciÓn, MarÍa Dolores Baena, destaca la presencia en este recinto de numerosos restos arquitectÓnicos, sobresaliendo un gran capitel que preside el estanque y que estuvo en una de las columnas del Templo Romano y la escultura Thoracata con 2.000 aÑos de historia. Los encargados del cuidado del recinto son los mismos que los del museo y los trabajos con las flores son diferentes a los que se suelen realizar en un patio de los tradicionales. Las diferencias se basan, sobre todo, en el tipo de plantas que pueden presenciarse en el patio del ArqueolÓgico dado que la estructura del mismo hace que la instalaciÓn de macetas en el mismo sea inadecuada. AsÍ, con plantas donadas por el JardÍn BotÁnico y con la ayuda de la AsociaciÓn Amigos del Museo ArqueolÓgico, entre los restos arquitectÓnicos y dentro del estanque aparecen flores y plantas difÍciles de encontrar en los patios participantes en el certamen. La dimensiÓn del espacio permite ademÁs que guarde Árboles, algo poco comÚn, como un magnolio que invade con su presencia el recinto.

No es un museo, pero el Archivo HistÓrico Provincial, en la CompaÑÍa, tambiÉn promociona su interior a travÉs de Los Patios. Este recinto, que se diferencia del resto en que estÁ esquinado, abre en el mismo horario que el archivo para mostrar su suelo empedrado y las columnas que guardan su fuente. Este enclave, situado en la calle Pompeyos, tambiÉn permite visitar la capilla gÓtica de Los Escribanos.

Leroy Merlin utiliza el eslogan ‘El tamaño importa… y mucho’ en uno de sus catálogos

La compañía de bricolaje Leroy Merlin utiliza el eslogan ‘El tamaño importa… ¡y mucho!’ en uno de sus catálogos en el que señala qué hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de escoger una maceta. La compañía señala que no ha habido ningún problema con la elección del eslogan.

El eslogan fue utilizado con motivo de la inauguración de la nueva tienda en Castellón el pasado 21 de febrero. «Las dimensiones de la maceta, su anchura (mayor o menor diámetro) y su altura (profundidad) serán las que determinen que tu planta se sienta más o menos cómoda y se desarrolle correctamente», indica el catálogo.

«Si es demasiado pequeña, puede que las raíces no crezcan convenientemente, se peguen a las paredes, taponen los orificios de drenaje o simplemente queden atrofiadas y, mejores barbacoas sin humo si es excesivamente grande, puede ocurrir que el riego resulte insuficiente (el exceso de sustrato hace que el agua no llegue bien a toda la planta)», se explica en el folleto.

Negociaciones con los sindicatosos sindicatos de Leroy Merlin han formado una plataforma de negociación para tratar el acuerdo de adaptación con la compañía. En el mismo, se pide a la empresa algunas mejoras laborales como complementos salariales, más días de descanso o propuestas sobre igualdad. Por el momento no se ha llegado a un acuerdo, pero la negociación continúa.

“Hay que tener claro que esto no es un convenio, es un acuerdo. En el convenio de grandes almacenes se fijan las jornadas, los salarios… y se firma cada cuatro o cinco años. El acuerdo de empresa es la tercera vez que se abre y ofrece unas pequeñas mejoras como pueden ser franjas horarias, permisos retribuidos y poco más”, explica Antonio Martín, secretario general de UGT Leroy Merlin.

Uno de los puntos más importante que los sindicatos reclaman es el de la mejora de los descansos. Una de las medidas concretas es “el descanso de dos días consecutivos cuando toque libranza para un mayor descanso y conciliación”, tal como se recoge en el documento.

Five Strange Facts About Teclado Mecanico Tfue

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Paul Rea, 18, was shot and killed by LASD during a traffic stop in East LA, where family recently held a vigil. Photograph: Damon Casarez/The Guardian‘They run because they’re afraid’LA sheriff’s deputies have killed more than 330 people since 2000, according to the Youth Justice Coalition LA. In recent years, the LA region has been one of the deadliest in the country for police violence. Between LASD and LAPD – the department that polices the city – officers have on average shot one person every five days.

During the miners’ strike of 1972, the nation’s nuclear plants were run at full stretch in order to supply electricity to a beleaguered nation. As a result, it proved impossible to process all the waste that was being generated. Cladding and fuel were simply thrown into B38’s cooling ponds and left to disintegrate.

As a result of these efforts, Britain was able to explode its own atomic bombs by 1952. The UK became a nuclear power and won itself a permanent seat on the UN security council, thanks to its nuclear engineers and scientists.

But success came at an appalling price. Those scientists had no time to think about the waste produced by their atomic bomb programme, a point starkly demonstrated by another Sellafield legacy building, B41. It still stores the aluminium cladding for the uranium fuel rods that were burnt inside Piles 1 and 2. That aluminium posed serious disposal problems when it was removed, in a highly radioactive state, from the two reactors as their fuel was decommissioned and their plutonium extracted.

As impassioned by political ideas as by literature, he joined the editorial board of Pensamiento Critico, a critical journal published by the philosophy department at Havana University, where he also taught. Here, the atmosphere was in sharp contrast to the orthodox Marxism of the old Cuban communist party, which Fidel Castro brought into government alongside the rebels. Partly taking their cue from Gramsci (who was first published in Cuba in 1966), the department and its journal became a seat of resistance to the Marxist manuals being supplied by the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

Villanueva closed internal misconduct investigations before they were concluded, including cases involving deputies accused of crimes such as domestic violence, sexual assault of prisoners and child abuse. He also broke a campaign promise by continuing to allow the local jails to collaborate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice). He has defied subpoenas, stonewalled the inspector general and recently attacked the politicians trying to hold him accountable on Twitter.

It’s useful for those who have or are suspected to have coronavirus. Per his hospital’s protocol, Dagan says patients who either test positive or are presumed positive for coronavirus but aren’t sick enough to be admitted to the hospital are sent home with a pulse oximeter and instructions to use it three times a day.

The experience of exile radicalised his sense of political critique. He became a critic of both Washington and Havana, where he caused further upset by making contacts among the rightwing Miami exiles in his capacity as a journalist. Officially vilified in Cuba, Encuentro has become essential reading for Cuban intellectuals both at home and abroad.

The key problem for Sellafield is that so much of its highly radioactive waste has been stored in water. This was done to cool fuel rods and teclado mecanico tfue cladding as they emerged from reactors heated to hundreds of degrees celsius. But once in water, they disintegrated and immediately posed a hazard in case a pond wall became breached.

It’s time for the rehearsal. We drive a few miles down the road and alight at a small studio across the tracks from Lichfield railway station. The original Priests – Tipton, Downing, Hill – are already in attendance. These days the trio are all “around 50″, their faces a little lined and their heavy-metal locks grown straggly. They seem likeable and unpretentious; a far cry from their preening, cock-rocking counterparts in the movie.

Fuel rods were removed from these two reactors, moved into the cooling pond of B29 and split open. Most of this material was removed for reprocessing but several tonnes of waste and old fuel still lies below the pond’s thick milky waters and it is the task of Steve Topping, leader of the building’s decommissioning team, to ensure that this is extracted and safely stored.

At first, everyone had doubts. The band members suspected that Owens’s vocal was so good it must be dubbed. On receiving a message to call the Priest management, Owens suspected a wind-up. Two days later, he was on a plane to England. After singing the first two verses of Victim of Changes, he was offered the job on the spot.

Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum, GetariaA half-hour drive along the coast, and also served by bus, this museum is a must for fashion lovers. Founded in 2011 in Balenciaga’s hometown, it houses one of the world’s biggest collections of items related to the designer, including clothing, accessories and work documents.

Can Sex Sell Loba Negra Mobi?

With the heat on medium-high, warm the rest of the oil in the same pan. Dust the cheeks in seasoned flour, then brown in batches and transfer to the veg bowl. Deglaze the pan with cider, scraping up any bits, then add the stock, vegetables and meat. Season, add the bouquet garni and bring to a simmer. Partially cover and cook for three hours, until the meat is very tender. Lift out the meat and keep warm. Reduce the sauce to thicken slightly, remove from the heat and stir in the mustard and cream. Return the meat to the sauce, warm gently, season to taste and add parsley. Serve with mash and wilted greens.

Tourism already musters the biggest share of local GDP and the tourist monoculture is prioritised under the guise of creating jobs and wealth; the red carpet rolled out to welcome any business connected to it. Yet, as the philosopher Marina Garcés points out, tourism is an extractive industry, commodifying common resources – neighbourhoods, squares and streets – and turning them into assets for private exploitation, while often dispossessing the people who give these spaces meaning by living in them. Entire neighbourhoods gentrify in order to host either the tourists or wealthier inhabitants.

Vertical Roll opens with Jonas’s outstretched hand filling the screen. As the image scrolls, she gives her hand a flip and, in perfect sync, we hear a percussive sound that persists throughout the work, as parts of Jonas’s body come in and out of view. With her torso gyrating, Jonas becomes a mysterious seductress caught in a tight space. Attired in either a satin, boudoir-like robe or a belly dancer’s clothes, she never reveals her full figure, moving away from closeup and into another space, as her legs are shown jumping up and down. At one point she comes forward and gazes out enticingly from behind a Noh theatre mask.

• Go to the British Library and help yourself to one of its two copies of Shakespeare’s First Folio. One is in a box in a strong room under the library floor; the other is in a glass case in the Treasure Room. If you want to preserve it properly, Helen Shenton of the British Library suggests you store it in a cool, dark place, and watch it carefully for infestations by animals or fungi. Dust regularly.

But San Sebastián is far from being an isolated case in risking economic depletion from mass tourism. Along with Venice, Barcelona, Lisbon, Palma de Mallorca and many other southern European cities, San Sebastián is now part of a network fighting for a more sustainable model of tourism and ultimately working for a perhaps surprising common goal: the opposite of growth.

Intense fighting has erupted in the Mexican city of Culiacán, where masked gunmen threw up burning barricades and traded gunfire with security forces after authorities arrested one of the sons of the jailed former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Mexico’s security minister, Alfonso Durazo, said a patrol by National Guard militarised police first came under attack from within a house in the city, 600 km (370 miles) northwest of Mexico City.

After entering the house, they arrested Ovidio Guzmán López, who is accused of drug trafficking in the United States.

However, the patrol was quickly overpowered by cartel gunmen, and the decision was taken to withdraw to protect the lives of the National Guard and restore calm in the city, where gangsters had set up roadblocks and were unleashing heavy automatic gunfire, Durazo said.

Images shared on social media showed trucks with mounted heavy machine guns patrolling the city streets. Another clip showed a gunman with an assault rifle shooting at an unknown target against a soundtrack of continuous gunfire. (@LaGaceta_me)#ULTIMAHORA

Detienen al hijo de El Chapo Guzmán, Iván Archibaldo Guzmán, lo que está ocasionando una fuerte balacera en #Culiacán #Sinaloa en esta ciudad

October 17, 2019Local media had reported that at least one of the main roads out of the city towards the port of Mazatlán had been blocked by a barricade of burning trucks, while others were closed by the army.

Photographs were circulating on social media purporting to show Ovidio in detention in a light blue shirt, with what appeared to be religious medallions around his neck.

“The decision was taken to retreat from the house, without Guzman to try to avoid more violence in the area and preserve the lives of our personnel and recover calm in the city,” Durazo said.

Juan Pablo Pérez Díaz (@PerezDiazMX)Así las cosas al norte de #Culiacán. Momentos exactos de la balacera captados por el compañero reportero Policiaco, Ernesto Martínez.

October 17, 2019Thursday’s shootouts initially prompted rumours that they were triggered by the arrest of Iván Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, another of Chapo’s sons. It’s unclear if he was detained.

The 28-year-old Ovidio Guzmán López is one of four children from Chapo’s second marriage. He is named together with his elder brother, Joaquín Guzmán López, in an indictment related to cocaine trafficking released by the US Department of Justice in February this year.

Chapo Guzmán had two other wives and at least six more children.

The murder of 22-year-old Edgar Guzmán López in a Culiacan parking lot May 2008 sparked a major turf war between Chapo and his former allies from the Beltrán Leyva cartel that raged for years.

The Sinaloa public security secretary, Cristóbal Castañeda, told Milenio TV that as well as roving shootouts and barricades, the chaos included a mass jailbreak of between 20 and 30 inmates.

“We are inviting people to get off the streets until we have re-established control of the city,” he said.

Guzmán, whose cartel was once billed as the most powerful drug trafficking organization in the world, was sentenced to life in prison by a US federal court in January.

Over the course of decades in the business, the 62-year-old had been arrested three times – twice in Mexico and once in Guatemala – and managed to make two spectacular escapes from high-security Mexican jails.

Mexico after El Chapo: new generation fights for control of the cartel Read moreChapo’s second arrest in 2014 took place in the port city of Mazatlán without a shot being fired. He was in the company of his third wife and their two baby daughters at the time.

Two of the drug lord’s eldest sons, Iván and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar, have appeared to lead the family’s bid to retain control of the cartel after his final downfall began with his third arrest in January 2016.

Both sons were reportedly kidnapped in August of that year from a swanky restaurant in the Pacific resort city of Puerto Vallarta by the Sinaloa cartel’s then up and loba negra mobi coming rival the New Generation Jalisco Cartel. Officials only ever confirmed the abduction and release a week later of Jesús Alfredo.


The roles of men and women have changed both in the home and on the job. I believe the reason is identity. Romantic relationships include challenges. Friendship is a flower that should be nurtured. It may take attempt, especially if you’re managing a hibernating amphibian. You can’t do a kindness too soon because you won’t ever know how soon it’s going to be too late. Read More →

Mortgage Loan Request – Complete A Short Loan Request

You is able to see the best way providing zero cost house loan brings about the general public with no revisit might be unattainable. No simply click the following article first is in the commercial to provide free programs separate and when these were they might are not permanent for too long.

After Sophie Schmidt scored in the 70th to give Houston back the lead, Lynn Williams timed her run well and scored in the 83rd minute to tie it again for the Courage.

Three minutes later, Debinha scored her second goal for the victory.

According to a Bloomberg report on Tuesday, Hertz filed for debtor-in-possession financing, indicating choppy waters ahead. DIP financing comes from creditors who believe a company has a solid recovery plan to execute as it works to restructure. But as a rental car companies are reliant on travelers, the industry’s likely in for a gloomy outlook considering the coronavirus pandemic continues unchecked in numerous parts of the world. 

Stimulus check maximum payment amount

$1,200 to single filers earning under $75K per year, $2,400 for joint filers under $125K. Reduced $5 per $100 of income above limits.

Same as CARES.

Same as CARES.

The filing indicated the company has $1.4 billion of cash on hand, though revenue plunged 67% in the second quarter. If there’s a smidge of a silver lining, Hertz did say demand has slowly started to recover each month, but it’s nowhere near pre-COVID-19 levels. Still, the firm plans to offload another 182,000 cars in its rental fleet. According to the report, Hertz already sold off 100,000 cars as it reached a deal to forgo lease payments on the vehicles’ master lease to save money amid bankruptcy.

CARY, N.C. (AP) – Debinha scored twice, including the winner in the 86th minute, and the North Carolina Courage downed the Houston Dash 4-3 in a National Women’s Soccer League fall series match Saturday.

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

The Hertz bankruptcy ordeal continues, and while the rental car company continues to offload used cars at some dirt-cheap prices, it still needs other sources of cash in the meantime.

The game was originally scheduled for Friday night, but it was moved to the national CBS broadcast window Saturday after the game between the Portland Thorns and OL Reign was postponed because of poor air quality caused by the wildfires in Oregon.

School reopening

Does not address.

$58 billion for grades K-12, $42 billion for higher education.

$70 billion to K-12 that open for in-person classes, $29 billion for higher education, $1 billion to the Bureau of Indian Education, $5 billion state discretion.

Though Congressional leaders remain at an impasse on the next economic relief package, the Republican-led Senate will return this week to vote on a “skinny” coronavirus relief bill that includes some parts of the Republican HEALS Act and the Democratic Heroes Act, including funding for the USPS and . However, the bill does not include a second stimulus check for eligible Americans, as the March CARES Act did. Another direct payment could still happen at a later date, as an independent bill, as part of another package or through an executive action.

Mortgage Loan Request, you will need to always be while willing to make the mortgage loan process reasonably easy.

There are 5 questions you should request the home loan officer to be sure that you are getting the perfect mortgage loan also to ensure your mortgage loan may close up by the due date.

How much stimulus money you get for dependents

$500 for dependents, 16 and under. College students, 24 and under, are not eligible.

$1,200 for dependents, maximum of three.

$500 for dependents, no age limit.

There happen to be boosts regarding direct agencies wanting for the mortgage marketplace including birds circling a death canine. They recognize that mortgage providers need leads and they also need to have these quick to live this economic depression.

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The HEALS Act and Heroes Act are based on the CARES Act, the original coronavirus relief package passed in March. Negotiators must agree on the cost of a final package, and that figure will determine where aid is directed (and how much each project might get). Here we dig into the key aspects of each proposal, showing how they’re similar, and exploring the differences that keep them from moving forward. We update this story regularly.

‘Gabriel did really well…he hadn’t played for six months':… Fulham dealt ruthless reminder of why their last Premier… ‘Willian for Ballon d’Or!': Arsenal fans heap praise on new… Arsenal and Arteta off to a flyer! Gunners breeze past…

Mortgage Loan Request – Complete A Short Loan Request

Michael Owen dazzled and Alan Smith realised his beloved… ‘I didn’t expect him having the phone by his bed, I didn’t… Ole Gunnar Solskjaer confirms ‘top human and positive guy’… ‘He scores as if you were writing a textbook': Rio Ferdinand…

Michael Owen dazzled and Alan Smith realised his beloved… ‘I didn’t expect him having the phone by his bed, I didn’t… Ole Gunnar Solskjaer confirms ‘top human and positive guy’… ‘He scores as if you were writing a textbook': Rio Ferdinand…

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For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

Bird has denied it received a loan from the US government to help it through COVID-19. Its statements follow reports Monday that the electric scooter company received between $5 million and $10 million under the government’s Paycheck Protection Program in April. Both CNBC and The Verge found Bird in the data released Monday by the Trump administration as part of its coronavirus economic stimulus package under the CARES Act, but Bird says it didn’t go through with its loan application.

According to VanderZanden, Bird had begun an application with Citi “early on,” but decided not to go through with it on April 23. “It looks like Citi started an application while they waited for our decision on whether to formally apply…They confirmed that the temp app. was cancelled that evening and never submitted.”

Watford were the more vibrant side before half-time before retreating after the break.

Middlesbrough saw chances come and go, with Britt Assombalonga their most dangerous player, but Watford showed a resoluteness often missing last season.

There happen to be boosts regarding direct agencies wanting for the mortgage marketplace including birds circling a death canine. They recognize that mortgage providers need leads and they also need to have these quick to live this economic depression.

The likes of Troy Deeney, Danny Welbeck, Ismaila Sarr and Will Hughes were among a raft of players absent here through a combination of injury, lack of match fitness or simply sitting in the departure lounge waiting for a move before the window shuts next month.

“Bird was erroneously listed as a company that filed for a PPP Loan. We did not apply for nor did we receive a PPP Loan. We decided as a company not to file an application as we did not want to divert critical funding from small and local businesses.” – Bird

Premier League snub EFL’s plea for a share of Fulham’s £34m… Wayne Rooney aims to power Derby to the big time, Brentford… Troy Deeney set to leave Watford this summer with relegated… West Brom are eyeing up loan deal for Andre Gray with the…

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It’s early days of course and the remaining weeks of the transfer window will bring further upheaval, but Watford proved just about superior to a Middlesbrough team who you sense would be more than content with mid-table anonymity.

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Gibbs knows what it’s like to be the next big thing, having signed for Arsenal from Wimbledon’s academy in 2004 to become part of a hyped generation with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Jack Wilshere. ‘You can understand Mark’s frustration because anyone who watched Grady last season would have seen how influential he is. But it was fortunate for us because we were on the other side of the fence,’ said Gibbs.

Arsenal strike gold at last with Gabriel Magalhaes

Manchester United target Sergio Reguilon is favouring a return to Sevilla over a move to the Red Devils this summer, according to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side have hit a roadblock in their pursuit of left back Reguilon with Real Madrid reportedly insistent on a £27million buy-back clause. 

‘Does he want his best players on the pitch?': Ole Gunnar… Transfer news RECAP: Emiliano Martinez agrees to join Aston… Leeds United peg back Liverpool THREE times in incredible… ‘He’s nearly already scored more goals than I did, so…

Neymar reveals he is ‘super happy’ as the PSG star returns… Lens 1-0 PSG: French champions humbled without Neymar,… Fulham complete signing of PSG goalkeeper Alphonse Areola on… PSG have been decimated by coronavirus with Neymar and…

Neymar reveals he is ‘super happy’ as the PSG star returns… Lens 1-0 PSG: French champions humbled without Neymar,… Fulham complete signing of PSG goalkeeper Alphonse Areola on… PSG have been decimated by coronavirus with Neymar and…

‘Does he want his best players on the pitch?': Ole Gunnar… Transfer news RECAP: Emiliano Martinez agrees to join Aston… Leeds United peg back Liverpool THREE times in incredible… ‘He’s nearly already scored more goals than I did, so…

BARCELONA, Sept 12 (Reuters) – Barcelona beat second division Gimnastic de Tarragona 3-1 in a pre-season friendly on Saturday, with Philippe Coutinho and Ousmane Dembele each making encouraging returns by scoring in Ronald Koeman’s first game in charge.

‘I’m keen to give my best for Paris Saint-Germain and the supporters. We have extraordinary challenges ahead of us this season, and it will be a pleasure and an honour to face them alongside my new teammates, who are among the best players in the world.’

Schalke was due to host Bavarian side Schweinfurt, but the game was called off on Friday following a complaint from Türkgücü Munich.

Türkgücü contends it should be playing Schalke as it was the local regional league leader ahead of Schweinfurt when the division resumed after its pandemic-induced break. Bavarian soccer authorities had already promoted Türkgücü to the third division for the new season, making second-placed Schweinfurt the best Bavarian amateur side at the time of registration for the cup.

Lionel Messi wore the captain’s armband in his first match since he opted to abandon his plans to leave Barca, although Luis Suarez and Arturo Vidal were left out of the squad as the club is still trying to offload both players.

Yet despite his good form, Reguilon is not in Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane’s first-team plans and though United are keen on a £27m move, Solskjaer and the United board do not want to include a buy-back clause.  

Though Congressional leaders remain at an impasse on the next economic relief package, the Republican-led Senate will return this week to vote on a “skinny” coronavirus relief bill that includes some parts of the Republican HEALS Act and the Democratic Heroes Act, including funding for the USPS and . However, the bill does not include a second stimulus check for eligible Americans, as the March CARES Act did. Another direct payment could still happen at a later date, as an independent bill, as part of another package or through an executive action.

‘Gabriel did really well…he hadn’t played for six months':… Fulham dealt ruthless reminder of why their last Premier… ‘Willian for Ballon d’Or!': Arsenal fans heap praise on new… Arsenal and Arteta off to a flyer! Gunners breeze past…

It will be Leverkusen´s first game without influential players Kai Havertz and Kevin Volland after their departures for Chelsea and Monaco, respectively, though Peter Bosz´s team has Patrik Schick, who played on loan for Leipzig last season.

Antoine Griezmann added to Barca’s advantage by converting a penalty in the 16th minute although defender Javi Bonilla scored a superb goal from the edge of the area to pull one back for Gimnastic on the half-hour mark.

Paycheck Protection Program

Allocated $659 billion total in forgivable loans for small businesses, who must use 75% on payroll to be eligible for forgiveness. $130 billion remains, but expires Aug. 8.

Expands eligibility, eliminates 75% payroll requirement and extends application period to Dec. 31.

Injects another $190 billion into the PPP fund, expands eligibility and allows businesses to request a second loan. Eliminates 75% payroll requirement and expands approved uses of funds for loan forgiveness.

‘Gabriel did really well…he hadn’t played for six months':… Fulham dealt ruthless reminder of why their last Premier… ‘Willian for Ballon d’Or!': Arsenal fans heap praise on new… Arsenal and Arteta off to a flyer! Gunners breeze past…

The HEALS Act and Heroes Act are based on the CARES Act, the original coronavirus relief package passed in March. Negotiators must agree on the cost of a final package, and that figure will determine where aid is directed (and how much each project might get). Here we dig into the key aspects of each proposal, showing how they’re similar, related resource site and exploring the differences that keep them from moving forward. We update this story regularly.

Coutinho, Dembele on target in returns for Barca in friendly

NEW: @SenSchumer and @RonWyden begin the process of overturning Trump’s payroll tax scheme through the Congressional Review Act, citing the “abruptly-announced imposition” on employees and failure to undergo notice-and-comment.

Your voter history and party registration are public records that are easy to access. Your phone number, home address, salary and debt history, and how you feel about controversial issues like gun control, can be purchased cheaply. Everything you post on social media is easy to scrape and collect. And mobile apps built by the Trump and Biden presidential campaigns give them unprecedented access to your device’s location history, and a whole lot more. 

West Brom and Aston Villa have already pushed their claims to take the England U21 international for the season but Leeds have such faith Gallagher will fit into Marcelo Bielsa’s style they are willing to buy him.

West Brom target loan move for Chelsea youngster Conor… Leeds United peg back Liverpool THREE times in incredible… ‘We are ready to make life uncomfortable for them':… Michael Owen dazzled and Alan Smith realised his beloved…


Politicians use your personal data to persuade you to donate money, keep you engaged during the campaign, and get out the vote on Election Day. They do this by creating finely tuned, provocative messages targeted at specific audiences on broadcast and print media, and sites like Google, Facebook, and

Employee tax credit

Tax credit on 50% of up to $10,000 in wages.

Increases tax credit to 80% of up to $15,000 in wages.

Increases tax credit to 65% of up to $30,000.

CARES vs. Heroes vs. HEALS Acts: What’s the difference?

CARES (from March)

Heroes (Democratic)

HEALS (Republican)

How long enhanced unemployment lasts

Expires July 31.

January 2021 for most workers, through March 2021 for gig workers, independent contractors, part-time workers and self-employed.

$200 per week bonus through September. Then 70% matching of lost wages. Extends expiration of federal benefits until Dec. 31.

The real power of your voter file is unlocked when it’s combined with data that campaigns purchase from commercial vendors. Many credit monitoring and advertising agencies gather and sell , including your income, how you spend money, your family members and . Political data miners and consultants often sell information about your demographics and psychographic details, and companies like Morning Consult conduct targeted surveys on how voters feel about specific issues.

How do you pay back the deferred payroll tax?  The IRS said in a memo dated Aug. 28 that employers who participate in the payroll tax holiday will then have to pay back the taxes starting in 2021. This will be done by deducting an additional payroll tax deduction on top of the standard deduction. To put it simply click the following post, more money will be taken out paychecks from Jan. 1 to April 30 in 2021 to repay the taxes owed. 

West Brom target loan move for Chelsea youngster Conor… Leeds United peg back Liverpool THREE times in incredible… ‘We are ready to make life uncomfortable for them':… Michael Owen dazzled and Alan Smith realised his beloved…

Having really bad credit history is definitely going to make it difficult to get easily approved for an auto loan provided that auto finance companies consider individuals with low credit score as financially unreliable or risky borrowers.

Bad credit history is a result of individual failure to make regular debt payments. Therefore, lenders think that such people may again end up failing to make debt payments in terms of car loan. Even if there are some lenders who offer really bad credit car financing loan, they may keep interest rates higher than rates offered to individuals having good credit history.

Koeman, who changed his entire team at halftime by making 11 substitutions, gave debuts to 17-year-old forward Pedri, new signing Francisco Trincao and American forward Konrad de La Fuente, 19, who stepped up from the club’s reserve side.

The way the Social Security tax works is that 6.2% is deducted from an employee’s paycheck. That same amount is also required to be paid by the employer, making a total of 12.4% sent to the IRS. A payroll tax cut would mean that employees and employers would be exempt from paying this tax during the set “holiday” period, potentially making your paycheck larger (though there’s a catch — more below).

Club record signing Coutinho got the third goal in the 51st, also from the penalty spot, making his first outing for the team since returning on loan from Bayern Munich, with whom he scored two goals in last month’s 8-2 thrashing of Barca in the Champions League quarter-finals.

One of the best ways to bring down the cost of borrowing is finding right lender on the internet. As aforementioned, some lenders specialize in offering car loan with really bad credit history. But, interest rates offered by them differ.

Hence it is a wise move to go online and compare free bad credit auto finance quotes offered by some lenders in order to find cheapest quote and save money.

Mortgage Loan Request – Complete A Short Loan Request

Kate Phillips, Controller of Entertainment Commissioning at the BBS said in a statement: ‘It’s fantastic to have Gordon on board hosting this new prime time game show. It promises to test nerve, accuracy and knowledge as well as entertain you.’

Many house loan brokers appreciate this and also have dedicated an allowance to get superb house loan qualified prospects however with a one-out of-ten potential for finding a excellent corporation they’re able to decline his or her budget easily and become left with zero offers closing that 30 days and their usb of their resources.

He said:  ‘I said to him (Rob Holding) change your mind because you’re not going anywhere. Again Rob is another one, he’s a difficult time. And now why I have to let him go? He’s playing so why leave this football club.’

Aina’s signing follows the capture of midfielder Harrison Reed, goalkeeper Alphonse Areola, right back Kenny Tete and midfielder Mario Lemina and left back Antonee Robinson while winger Anthony Knockaert’s loan move was made permanent.

Fulham dealt ruthless reminder of why their last Premier… ‘Willian for Ballon d’Or!': Arsenal fans heap praise on new… What now for Jack Wilshere: As West Ham move to CANCEL the… ‘Falling apart already… it’s going to be a long season':…

How quickly do I need to repay a coronavirus hardship loan? Repayment terms vary, dependent on factors including how much you can try Amanecenublado Blogspot‘re borrowing and your overall financial situation. House says that the repayment period generally ranges from six months to five years.

There happen to be boosts regarding direct agencies wanting for the mortgage marketplace including birds circling a death canine. They recognize that mortgage providers need leads and they also need to have these quick to live this economic depression.

The is promoted by the federal government to assist troubled homeowners.

What can a modification do for a beleaguered homeowner? A home loan modification can reduce your interest rate. A home loan modification can turn a variable rate mortgage into a fixed rate mortgage. A home loan modification can lower your monthly payments so that they fit reasonably well into your present down-sized-income budget.

These firms are comprised of experienced realtors and real estate attorneys. Be prepared to pay up to $6,000 for a process that you can probably handle on your own. If you are having trouble meeting your house payments; how are you going to pay that? But, that is your decision. Some are just too lazy or too afraid to undertake the venture by themselves, no matter the cost.

Mortgage Loan Request, you will need to always be while willing to make the mortgage loan process reasonably easy.

There are 5 questions you should request the home loan officer to be sure that you are getting the perfect mortgage loan also to ensure your mortgage loan may close up by the due date.

With this specific getting stated, supplying no cost mortgage qualified prospects could be a easy way to get a whole new customer and if they may be happy with the product quality they could simply hang in there and also improve their buy the very next time.

Bottom line is the particular home loan agent uses a large threat due to the fact not merely can simply he or she lessen useful advertising and marketing and also advertising funds however really need to float expenses as a consequence of simply no lending options turning out to be financed because of a negative obtain.

Your first step is to approach your mortgage holder or home loan lender and let them know what is happening. Understand that you will be talking to a less than sympathetic ear as you explain your problems. Mortgage holders do not really care if you are talking about a loan that is worth less than your house is appraised.

They stand to recoup most, if not all, of the cost of the loan by reselling your house. Anyway, you need to carefully and thoroughly explain what is happening and why you do not feel that you will be able to meet your future payments.

Arteta said: ‘He is in my plans – a player I like a lot. He knows that he has Eddie (Nketiah) next to him and he’s going to push him. Whoever is in better shape is going to play and that’s the same for everyone.

Food banks and SNAP: The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program provides supplemental food resources to families in need. Also consider applying for WIC. Feeding America is supporting local food banks as well.

Fulham dealt ruthless reminder of why their last Premier… ‘Willian for Ballon d’Or!': Arsenal fans heap praise on new… What now for Jack Wilshere: As West Ham move to CANCEL the… ‘Falling apart already… it’s going to be a long season':…

If there may be a single place in which no cost anything at all must be furnished it’s the mortgage leads area as well as the response how come because it’s so hard to discover a excellent lead reference that one could depend upon extra cash along with and cost-free house loan leads can pick up the danger absent.